Many people install different browser add-ons to make the web search more comfortable. Rarely add-ons are properly useful and can surprise their users with interesting discoveries. Betweentimes browser add-ons can be downloaded by manifold freeware making users be surprised with the new installed software. If this is your incident and you need to eliminate these ads with the unwanted add-on that generates them, so you have found the needed article. On this page you will find several useful methods that will help you to remove Quantum Look from your computer.
Download Quantum Look Removal Tool:
- Removes all elements created by Quantum Look.
- Is able to fix browser problems and protect browser settings.
- Has System and Network Guards, so you can forget about malware.
What is Quantum Look?
Quantum Look is not a viral browser add-on for it is not able to infect other computers, but it can be downloaded with different free programs. It gives the impression that Quantum Look is a virus. But, actually, it is only an nerve-racking browser extension that worries you with promo information in the form of pop-up items. Almost every user has undesired browser add-ons like Quantum Look and wants to deleteit.
Ways of Quantum Look removal
1. Install Quantum Look Removal Tool:

2. Uninstall Quantum Look from Control Panel:
- Click Start button
- Select Control Panel
- Find and highlight the annoying program and select Uninstall
3. Uninstall Quantum Look manually:
- C:\Program Files\Quantum Look\7za.exe
- C:\Program Files\Quantum Look\QuantumLookBHO.dll
- C:\Program Files\Quantum Look\QuantumLookUninstall.exe
- C:\Program Files\Quantum Look
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects\{4f69dccf-5eae-4afc-8ada-389661f0e6cc}
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Quantum Look
- SOFTWARE\Quantum Look
Remove Quantum Look from browsers

Eliminate Quantum Look from Firefox:
- Help=>Troubleshooting Information
- Reset Firefox
- Finish

Delete Quantum Look from IE:
- Run inetcpl.cpl
- Advanced=>Reset
- Delete Personal Settings=>Reset=>Close

Remove Quantum Look from Google Chrome:
- C:\Users\”your username”\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\User Data
- Rename Default folder to Default2
- Open Google Chrome
Why is Quantum Look dangerous?
It’s all the same what kind of extension you want to install, it can be the vulnerability for your computer. Quantum Look is not an exception. All browser vendors release security updates and bother about the security of their users. But if you install any browser add-on, then software companies are not able to ensure that your PC will not be infected. Internet swindler can open the add-on as it were a pass to your computer. Certainly there is a safe solution for this problem: use browser add-ons from reputed and dependable software vendors only. But is not 100% guard from hackers and viruses.
It is far better not to download browser extensions at all. But if you still need to install any add-on in that case be prepared that the program will have compliance to collect your sensitive data that you enter on various webpages and can sell it to the third parties. You should realize that to download a browser extension is the same thing that to install software. Will you install software if you do not know its vendor? I think, no. So, you also should think about the extension that you are going to install.
Quantum Look, as an advertising add-on, is more harmful, because Quantum Look is an advertising browser add-on that installs some other dangerous objects. Is there any warranty that the advertising information is 100% true? Surely, no. So, you should not confide the pop-ups and its conditions. Also you should not visit the web pages of the demonstated pop-ups because they can be viral and so, in its train, your system will be infected with a real viral program on your computer.
Are Manual Removal Techniques Safe?
Manual removal techniques that you can perform to delete Quantum Look from browsers are safe and not so difficult as you may think. Probably, only automatic instructions are easier. This method is very powerful for the browser vendors worry about your right to download and delete any browser add-ons. The method will let you to remove all the undesired browser add-ons and pop-ups will not exasperate you any more. Still the manual method that give instructions to remove some folders and registry keys and values is the most harmful one. If you risk to perform this method, then you should remember just one ordinary: do not forget to produce the backup of the registry.
Also the method should be performed just by the user that understands what and why he has to remove. In the situation if you will remove several folders or registry keys that do not pertain to Quantum Look, then the PC will not startup next time. Experienced users will not be mistaken and can enjoy the power of this manual way of removal.
But the most effective and the most harmless instructions are automatic. Installing any antivirus tool that has Quantum Look in its base of viruses, you will delete the unwanted browser extension promptly and the add-on will not annoy you again because the antivirus will protect your computer for the future.
The Best Quantum Look Removal Tool
There is a plenty of helpful tools and other antivirus software that can be used to remove Quantum Look and you can install any of them, but I can advise you SpyHunter. This software is the best Quantum Look Removal Tool in my opinion. Deleting the add-on you also will have a good chance to defend the PC.
SpyHunter is a utility written by Enigma Software. It involves antispyware and antimalware characteristics, so then there are no computer infections that cannot be removed with it. SpyHunter has a regularly updated base of signatures that protects your system from diverse everyday viruses.
Then fresh version of SpyHunter not only modify its interface to more easy-to-use and fine, but also this software does not conflict with other antimalware tools that you can install. Also the program works faster and protects better.
SpyHunter gives real-time protection, has Integrated SpyHunter Compact OS that let to uninstall the most stubborn viruses and the ready-to-help live technical support. SpyHunter is compatible with Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/Seven/8, it needs 256 MB of RAM, 75 MB of available hard disk space.
Protect Your System With Antivirus
The guide describes several methods to uninstall Quantum Look, I hope, they assisted you and the undesired browser add-on is removed. Still your system can be infected every day and so it needs protection. I recommend you to install an antivirus utility that will save your computer every day and will scan the system at least one time a week The downloaded antivirus software should have a extensive base of viruses and regular updates. The best antimalware utility has real-time protection. It is the protection that is able to detect viruses on the PC when it is just trying to infect your systeM.
If you are unaware what antimalware to download, then I offer you to download SpyHunter. This software will 100% remove all possible malicious objects and will provide you with a real-time block to protect the computer from the modern viral programs. It is very easy to scan your PC with SpyHunter and it is so powerful that can find and uninstall keyloggers, rootkits, Trojans and other computer infections that are hidden deep in the system. If you download any helpful software for you work, but SpyHunter finds it as a virus and you are absolutely confident that this software cannot b a malicious program, so you can add it to Exclusions and SpyHunter will not determine it as a virus. If you need to scan only a single folder, then you are welcome to select Custom Malware Fixes function. You can also use Process Guard or Registry Guard of this antivirus program for your convenience.
How to use SpyHunter
At first you should download SpyHunter on your computer. You can use the download link from this article. After that you should install SpyHunter as every antimalware programs. I should say that this software can be installed easily and it will be intelligible for most foreign users owing to the numerous languages that you are welcome to set. This makes SpyHunter almost unquestioning leader among all other world antivirus programs.
When the installation is finished the antivirus tool needs to be updated, as a rule this procedure should begin by itself, but if not, in that case you are welcome to do it. When the update release is installed, you need to begin a Scan. You can eliminate the tick in the Quick Scan check box, if you need to scan your computer completely. But usually Quick scan is enough to detect all the threats and this tool spare your time and effort.
When the scan is completed it is better to look into the list of viral programs and remove the ticks near the needed utilities that Shyhunter detect as viral or undesired tools. To remove the malicious programs you should left-click Fix Threats. If you have already bought the license, then the viruses will be deleted. If not, then you you can do it now.
About Author: Material provided by: Alesya Orlova