How to remove Smart PC Cleaner

Smart PC Cleaner is a unreal antivirus program that is going to your money, swindling you. Obviously, the software is the same as many other unreal antivirus tools. Smart PC Cleaner was released not so long ago, but it was installed into many users’ computers and the users were cheated dangerous functions. This program, appearing … Read more

How to remove Quick PC Optimizer rogue

Quick PC Optimizer is a fake antivirus program that is going to steal your money, swindling you. As you can notice, the program has many similarities with many other fake optimizer programs. Quick PC Optimizer became wide-spread recently, but it has infected into many users’ PCs and the users suffered from its viral features. This … Read more

How to remove PC Speed Maximizer

PC Speed Maximizer is a fresh annoying program that can be added to your your computer without your knowledge. PC Speed Maximizer can’t be imperceptible on your computer, as a user cannot use the PC without noticing irksome PC Speed Maximizer popping-up alerts. You should not read the pop-up windows that can be shown to … Read more

How to remove XP Antivirus Plus 2013

XP Antivirus Plus 2013 is a program that can be installed on your computer without your participation or knowledge. This program can be installed if your computer is infected with a Trojan. You can catch it on some infected web-pages. Trojan installs XP Antivirus Plus 2013 and you cannot notice this process. Only after the … Read more