How to remove YourMapsNow

According to developers, YourMapsNow is designed to help drivers by providing best directions without traffic jams. Despite these positive statements, the program behaves differently, in a bad way. The real aim of YourMapsNow is making money using intrusive advertising.

How to remove WikiBuy

WikiBuy is a service for online shopping that provides users with best deals, discount coupons. When you visit the page (, you will be prompted to download their browser application for ease of reference. We would caution, however, against installing this program, since it’s categorized as an adware by many computer experts.

How to remove PremierOpinion

PremierOpinion is a program that gives to users cash rewards, gift cards, discount coupons for taking part in surveys. That sounds tempting, doesn’t it? However, everything is not as good as we would like.

How to fix Windows 10 upgrade error 0x8007000d

Error 0x8007000d is the most common error that occurs while upgrading to Windows 10 and while activating the system. There are many reasons for the occurrence of this problem (system file errors, lack of required files, viruses and so on). Today we will show you some effective ways to fix them completely.