Como remover economias sólidas

O adware Solid Savings é uma extensão do navegador que mostra diferentes cupons quando um usuário visita alguns sites comerciais. Se você está interessado em compras online, então você vai gostar deste programa, mas seu computador não vai. Diferentes especialistas em informática acham que Solid Savings é um programa que deve ser evitado porque pertence ao tipo de adware e pode ser a causa de vírus em seu computador. O programa em si não é um vírus, but it can show you the pop-ups that can lead to some malicious web-pages or nonexistent coupons. It is better for you to remove Solid Savings or any other adware that you may have.

solução automática

Many users tell that Solid Savings adware was installed into the system without their consent or any participation. Really it is possible. The most common method to install Solid Savings adware is when you install freeware on your computer. Usually toolbars and other browser extensions are bound with freeware. The only action that will prevent Solid Savings adware from installation is removal of its tick during the installation of freeware. But usually users do not notice this tick and so they have Solid Savings adware in the browser.

Video Guide will help you to remove Solid Savings

Some users complain that it is very hard to remove Solid Savings adware, so this article will teach you how to do it. You should only choose what method will be easier for you.

solid savings adware

Remove Solid Savings adware manually

  1. You should remove the following files:
    C:\Program Files\Solid Savings\Solid Savings-bg.exe
    C:\Program Files\Solid Savings\Solid Savings.dll
    C:\Program Files\Solid Savings\Solid Savings.exe
    C:\Program Files\Solid Savings\Uninstall.exe
    C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Updater26278\Updater26278.exe

    Just navigate them and remove, then clear the Lixeira de reciclagem in order to remove the files from your computer once and forever.

  2. After that you should open editor do registro: type the following command into the Command Prompt: regedit, então aperte Entrar. After that you should do the backup copy of the registry. Assim, for that you should right-click Computador e clique Exportar há. Then save the file. After that you should navigate the registry keys:

    SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Explorer Browser Helper Objects {11111111-1111-1111-1111-110211621178}
    SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Solid Savings
    Software\InstalledBrowserExtensions\215 Apps
    Software\Solid Savings

    And remove them one by one. You can use also CTRL + F button in order to call the search and use it to find the needed registry key.

  3. Scan your computer with any antivirus in order to remove Solid Savings adware from your computer. You should use new-installed and updated antivirus.

Remove Solid Savings Out of Internet Explorer

  1. Open Internet Explorer in order to select Ferramentas no menu superior.
  2. Clique Gerenciar Complementos.
  3. Abrir Barras de Ferramentas e Extensões.
  4. Clique em complementos indesejáveis ​​suportados por anúncios e clique em Desativar.
  5. Restart the IE.

Delete Solid Savings ads From Mozilla

  1. Open your Mozilla. SELECIONAR Ferramentas em seguida, aberta Addons.
  2. Clique Extensões.
  3. Highlight Solid Savings.
  4. Clique Remover.
  5. Reinicie o seu Mozilla.

Eliminate Solid Savings From Chrome

  1. Abra seu navegador. Clique Chave inglesa placa.
  2. Selecionar Definições.
  3. Clique Extensões, Depois disso, selecione Remover Solid Savings
  4. Reboot Google Chrome.

sobre o autor:
Material fornecido pela: Alesya Orlova

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