Comment supprimer Solid Savings

Le logiciel de publicité Solid Savings est une extension de navigateur qui affiche différents coupons lorsqu'un utilisateur visite certains sites Web commerciaux. Si vous êtes intéressé par les achats en ligne, alors vous aimerez ce programme, mais votre ordinateur ne. Différents experts en informatique pensent que Solid Savings est un programme à éviter car il appartient au type de logiciel publicitaire et peut être une cause de virus sur votre ordinateur. Le programme lui-même n'est pas un virus, but it can show you the pop-ups that can lead to some malicious web-pages or nonexistent coupons. It is better for you to remove Solid Savings or any other adware that you may have.

solution automatique

Many users tell that Solid Savings adware was installed into the system without their consent or any participation. Really it is possible. The most common method to install Solid Savings adware is when you install freeware on your computer. Usually toolbars and other browser extensions are bound with freeware. The only action that will prevent Solid Savings adware from installation is removal of its tick during the installation of freeware. But usually users do not notice this tick and so they have Solid Savings adware in the browser.

Video Guide will help you to remove Solid Savings

Some users complain that it is very hard to remove Solid Savings adware, so this article will teach you how to do it. You should only choose what method will be easier for you.

solid savings adware

Remove Solid Savings adware manually

  1. You should remove the following files:
    C:\Program Files\Solid Savings\Solid Savings-bg.exe
    C:\Program Files\Solid Savings\Solid Savings.dll
    C:\Program Files\Solid Savings\Solid Savings.exe
    C:\Program Files\Solid Savings\Uninstall.exe
    C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Updater26278\Updater26278.exe

    Just navigate them and remove, then clear the Corbeille in order to remove the files from your computer once and forever.

  2. After that you should open Éditeur de registre: type the following command into the Command Prompt: regedit, puis appuyez Enter. After that you should do the backup copy of the registry. Alors, for that you should right-click Ordinateur et cliquez sur Exportation Là. Then save the file. After that you should navigate the registry keys:

    SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Explorer Objects Browser Helper {11111111-1111-1111-1111-110211621178}
    SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Solid Savings
    Software\InstalledBrowserExtensions\215 Apps
    Software\Solid Savings

    And remove them one by one. You can use also CTRL + F button in order to call the search and use it to find the needed registry key.

  3. Scan your computer with any antivirus in order to remove Solid Savings adware from your computer. You should use new-installed and updated antivirus.

Remove Solid Savings Out of Internet Explorer

  1. Ouvrez Internet Explorer pour sélectionner Outils dans le menu supérieur.
  2. Cliquez sur Gérer les modules complémentaires.
  3. Ouvrez Barres d'outils et extensions.
  4. Cliquez sur add-ons pris en charge ad indésirables et cliquez Désactiver.
  5. Redémarrez l'IE.

Delete Solid Savings ads From Mozilla

  1. Ouvrez votre Mozilla. Sélectionner Outils puis ouvrez addons.
  2. Cliquez sur Extensions.
  3. Highlight Solid Savings.
  4. Cliquez sur Supprimer.
  5. Redémarrez votre Mozilla.

Eliminate Solid Savings From Chrome

  1. Ouvrez votre navigateur. Cliquez sur Clé signe.
  2. Sélectionnez Réglages.
  3. Cliquez sur Extensions, après sélection Supprimer Solid Savings
  4. Redémarrez Google Chrome.

à propos de l'auteur:
Matériel fourni par: Alesya Orlova

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