So entfernen Sie Fedex Crypt Virus

Fedex Crypt Virus ist die Infektion, die den PC blockiert, verschlüsselt die Daten des Benutzers und fordert ihn auf, einen Geldbetrag zu zahlen ($300) um den Computer zu entsperren und die Benutzerinformationen zu entschlüsseln. Wenn Sie die Warnmeldung sehen, die solche Informationen enthält, Dann können Sie sicher sein, dass Sie Fedex Crypt Virus haben. Das Unangenehmste daran ist, dass Sie Ihren PC erst dann wirklich verwenden können, wenn diese Infektion im System vorhanden ist. You also can not use Safe Mode in order to remove Fedex Crypt Virus because the infection blocks it too. Of course to pay money to the virus is not the way out in this situation, you should not pay them because that infection will remove itself and decrypt your information. In this article I will describe the effective method that will help you to uninstall Fedex Crypt Virus.

Hilfreiche Links

Hinweis 1: Use this Removal Tool to clean all traces of Fedex Crypt Virus:

Hinweis 2: Use SpyHunter to remove Fedex Crypt Virus:

Hinweis 3: Verwenden Sie diese Anweisungen, um Kaspersky Rescue Disk aufzuzeichnen:
So erstellen Sie eine Kaspersky Rescue Disc

Hinweis 4: Verwenden Sie diese Anweisungen, um Kaspersky Windows Unlocker auszuführen:
So führen Sie Kaspersky Windows Unlocker aus

remove Fedex Crypt Virus

The first thing that you should do when you see this infection on your computer is to should calm down. Only then you can follow the instruction from this page. You should be ready that it is not a simple virus that can be removed without any consequences. But still you should try. So, follow the items of the instruction and remove Fedex Crypt Virus from your computer.

  1. Restore the system. For that you should click Start, then in the search box type Systemwiederherstellung and click it when it will be found. Then you should choose the date when the infection was not on your PC and select it. After that you should follow the instructions of the Wizard and so the system will be restored.
  2. After that you should remove Fedex Crypt Virus manually or automatically. If you want to remove it manually then remove the following files:
    C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\gjnKQ.exe
    C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\ok.txt.crypt
  3. Remove the values in the Registry Editor:
    Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\gwldrvn: „“C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\gjnKQ.exe““
    For that you should open Registry Editor: Drücken Sie Windows + R Tasten, Geben Sie dann ein regedit in the opened line and press Eingeben. Then you should use STRG + F buttons in order to use the search in the Registratur. Find the enumerated registry values and remove them.
  4. If you want to use automatic method of removal, then you should not use the antivirus program that is installed on your PC, you should know that no antivirus will not be helpful, if the infection is already in the system. You should use special removal tools, for example I can advise you to use Fedex Crypt Virus Removal Tool that you can download, using the link from this page:

But you should know that there is no removal method will decrypt the information on your computer, neither manual, nor automatic. But I can advise you to try to use the decryptors that probably will help you to save your information: RannohDecryptor or RectorDecryptor. So, after Fedex Crypt Virus removal you can use these programs in order to return the data to the previous normal state.

Über den Autor:
Material zur Verfügung gestellt von: Alesya Orlova

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