Comment supprimer la recherche Web Demander la redirection

Si vous lisez cet article, then all your search results are redirected to is not a virus, it is a website that is specified to answer users questions. This website claims that it provides users with very useful information from real people. But if this website is really useful, then why it uses some methods to force users to visit its search? Many people complain that they do not want to use, but their search results are redirected every time. Alors, I suppose that is a hijacker. Alors, it should be removed as hijacker. If you want to remove web search Ask redirect, then this article was written for you. You will find the effective instructions that will help you to remove from your browser. usually exists in a browser in the case when Ask Toolbar is installed, so the redirection is one of its services. If you did not install Ask Toolbar, then it can be installed together with any free program that you have downloaded from the web and installed not so long ago.

Ask Toolbar can be installed into any popular browser. And from the moment when it was installed, all the search requests will be redirected to Alors, if you want to remove web search Ask redirect, then you should perform the instructions from this page or use the special Ask Toolbar remover that you can download from this page: Redirect Removal Tool.

web search Ask redirect

If you want to use manual method in order to remove Ask Toolbar and its search, then here are the instructions:

Remove Ask Toolbar from Google Chrome:

  1. vous ouvrez le navigateur, puis cliquez Outils=> options=> Sous le capot=> Intimité=> Effacer les données de navigation.
  2. Cliquer sur Supprimer les cookies et autres données sur le site.
  3. Tapez ce qui suit dans la barre d'adresse de votre navigateur: chrome://extensions /.
  4. Find and uninstall Ask Toolbar here.

Delete Ask Toolbar from Internet Explorer:

  1. Ouvrez votre navigateur, puis cliquez Outils=> sécurité=> Supprimer l'historique de navigation
  2. Marquez ensuite les cookies et cliquez sur Effacer.
  3. Cliquez sur Outils=> Gérer les modules complémentaires=> Barres d'outils et extensions
  4. Désactivez la barre d'outils indésirable.

Instructions how to remove Ask Toolbar from Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Ouvrez votre navigateur, puis cliquez Outils=> options=> Intimité=>Supprimer tous les cookies
  2. Cliquez sur Outils=> Add-ons
  3. Désinstaller Ask Toolbar here.

If the manual instructions are too hard for you, then you are welcome to use special Ask Toolbar remover:

This program will help you to remove web search Ask redirect from your browser faster.

à propos de l'auteur:
Matériel fourni par: Alesya Orlova

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