How to remove EVIL LOCKER and decrypt .[].EVIL files

There were a lot of older versions of Everbe ransomware, and EVIL LOCKER ransomware is the newest. There are no significant differences between them, still the virus is very infectious and dangerous for any system. EVIL LOCKER ransomware can block all the personal files on your computer and makes it unreadable. First EVIL LOCKER infiltrates your system, then starts encrypting procedure with AES encryption algorithm. This ransomware adds .[].EVIL file extension to the name of all the encrypted data. In this article you can learn how to remove EVIL LOCKER ransomware and decrypt .[].EVIL files.

How to remove Evil Locker Ransomware and decrypt .[].EVIL files

Evil Locker Ransomware is a dangerous virus that can make all users’ data unreadable. In exchange for your files, cybercriminals demand money in bitcoins stating that there are no other ways to recover your files but to pay a ransom. But you should know that nobody can guarantee that they will fulfill their end of the bargain.