Como remover Marlboro Ransomware e descriptografar arquivos .oops

Marlboro is the name of ramsomware virus designed to scare and force users to pay a ransom. There is another name of ransomwareDeMarlboro. Como outros tipos semelhantes de vírus, Marlboro encrypts files on the infected computer and appends .oops file extension to the name of all the encrypted data. It’s operating under the same scheme like other ransomware.

How to remove Locky ransomware and decrypt .zepto files

Locky ransomware is a notorious file-encrypting virus from Locky family. In case if you can’t open your personal files whether they are text documents, photo or video files and the extension of them is changed to .zepto, .aesir, .shit, .odin, .thor, or .locky, tão, your system is invaded with Locky virus. Além disso, new version of Locky renames all encrypted files using unique hexadecimal algorithm. Assim sendo, the chances of identifying original files virtually come to nothing.

Como remover o vírus Spamhaus Block

Spamhaus Block Virus is a new type of ransomware that infect user’s computers in order to deceive them and to get their money. Essa infecção pode aparecer no seu computador no caso em que um usuário clica em alguns links não seguros de pop-ups de publicidade. You even will not notice the process of installation ofConsulte Mais informação

Como remover vírus Guardia di Finanza

Guardia Di Finanza Virus is a malicious program that is able to block your computer with the window that displays the fake message from Italian police that you have been involved in some illegal actions such as SPAM mailing, violations of Copyright Law or distribution of some pornographic materials. You should not excuse yourselves, Porque … Consulte Mais informação