¿Como remover “sus MacOS 10.14 Mojave está infectado con 3 Los virus!”

“Your MacOS 10.14 Mojave está infectado con 3 Los virus!” is a fake alert that might show up on your browser’s screen and its appearance is the main sign of infection with malware. Este malware ha sido creado para hacer que la gente piensa que su ordenador se ha estropeado o que no se ha detectado un virus real. Es pop-up de vez en cuando se muestra el texto siguiente:

¿Cómo eliminar Search.bravogol.com

If your browser’s search engine was changed to Search.bravogol.com without your consent, entonces su Mac está probablemente infectado con un malware. Aunque esta página intenta crear la impresión de ser un buen motor de búsqueda de Internet., you should know that it will get your browser configurations modified and spoil your browsing experience with constant redirects and annoying pop-up ads. También, it may generate irrelevant search results in order to increase traffic to the sponsored sites.

¿Cómo eliminar Search.debrikon.com

Search.debrikon.com is yet another browser hijacker similar to notorious WeKnow.ac and acting the same way. It is very unreliable due to the ability to alter search results. This is done to boosting traffic to the sponsored sites. Además de esto, the virus might cause pop-up ads and other advertising content that reduces browsing experience.

¿Cómo eliminar Searchnewworld.com de Mac

Searchnewworld.com may appear in your browser and replace your primary search provider out of the blue. Si sucedió, bien, you’ve picked up malware called “browser hijacker”. Restauración de la configuración manual no resuelve el problema, ya que los reasigna de malware nuevo.

Cómo eliminar Similar Photo Cleaner de Mac

Similar Photo Cleaner is a Potentially Unwanted Program, that claims to boost your Mac computer’s performance by removing multiple copies of similar photos and selfies using automated settings. You should know that this application is useless, in fact Similar Photo Cleaner is doing nothing but faking the process of work. It will “encuentre” hundreds or even thousands of duplicates in all different locations and paths on your Mac. We recommend you to refuse to buy the full version of this badware. In this article we’ll explain how to remove Similar Photo Cleaner from Mac.