How to remove “Ads by GearBest”

If you are seeing a lot of ads labeled as “Ads by GearBest” then your system is infected with adware. It could get into your system without your noticing through bundling method. Usually in such cases it infiltrates the system using other software when the users forget to opt out from unnecessary programs.

How to remove Geeker

Geeker is a rogue application that is supposed to allow access to multimedia data (movies, audio and books). At first sight, the description of Geeker doesn’t look suspicious. In reality, installation of this program doesn’t bode well for your computer since Geeker is a typical adware.

How to remove “Apple Support – Online” pop-up

“Apple Support – Online” is a scam message trying to mislead credulous users. After penetration, it will randomly pop up while browsing hiding underlying content. Cyber-criminals seek to deceive users reporting that the system is infected with malware.

How to remove AppTrailers

AppTrailers is an application that allows user to watch movie trailers straight from the desktop. At first sight, the description of AppTrailers doesn’t look suspicious. Actually, installation of this program doesn’t bode well for your computer.